- Large eraser
- Pencils (no mechanical pencils please)
- Ink pen (any color)
- 16 count crayons
- Scissors
- Stick glue and bottle glue
- Large box of tissues ( We will store these and take out one box at a time)
- 1 box quart-size zip-lock bags
- Deck of playing cards (We will mark them and use them for math skills practice)
- Elementary students need one pair of outdoor shoes and one good pair of gym (indoor) shoes
- Markers and colored pencils are acceptable but not required
- Please do not send 3-ring binders, we do not have room for them in our desks
- Please send a box of graham crackers (any flavor). We will store them and use them for morning milk break. We will ask for refills throughout the year.
- Remember to save Box Tops for Education and Campbell's Soup labels throughout the year.

Have a wonderful summer and we will see you on August 21st.
Mrs. Deile