As we say goodbye to October, second graders have been busy counting by 10's, 5's, and 2's. They have been telling time to the half hour and counting dimes and pennies. They learned a fun card game called "Make Ten" which they use to practice addition facts with the sums of ten.
After reading various stories about hermit crabs, they created art projects depicting a home for a hermit crab. It was fun to use all the different types of art materials to create these collage habitats.
Recently, second graders had their first experience participating in NWEA tests on the laptops. We will take these assessments again in the spring to help track our progress.
Second Graders in their Halloween costumes
On Halloween day we were treated to a play put on by the 6th graders. After lunch we showed off our best moves at a Halloween dance and costume parade in the gym. Later in the afternoon, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and walked to the Nursing Home for trick-or-treating among the residents' rooms. |