Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Balance of Skills and Fun: A great ending to October

Don't forget:  Parent-Teacher Conferences on Fri., Nov. 8th

8:15am to 3:00 pm 
Call soon to schedule the most convenient time for you to check on your child's progress.

Second graders were using their estimation skills with items in a balance scale.

Connor tries to decide which item is heavier.

Along with these skills, second graders spend the fall mastering the basic addition facts with sums to 18, then the subtraction facts to go with them.  We have been brushing up on counting coins using dimes, nickels, and pennies.  We have been counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's and predicting what comes next in a pattern. 

We particularly enjoyed the math lesson in which we cut apples into "fractional parts of a whole".  We then tasted three different kinds of apples and graphed our favorites on a bar graph. 

Following are some pictures to show how we ended the month of October


After trick-or-treating at the Nursing Home, second graders relaxed with treats in Mrs. Deile's yard.

On a personal note:  Fall fun in the Deile house consists of both my children's birthdays and some bird hunting for my son and husband.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Trip to Papa's Pumpkin Patch

Mrs. Deile's super cool second grade class at the pumpkin patch

Posing on Papa's great big chair

Garrett and Sandy, the pumpkin patch dog.  Sandy was a sweet and gentle dog that was happy to be around so many children.

The wooden tractor

Riding on the combine

Aria and Kelsey push each other on the swing

Javen, Brayden, and Aidan think they can start the old tractor

Ropes on the wilderness trail.  Hang on!
Clay is hanging out in the pumpkin shell
Second graders jump into the corn pit
Fun on the ropes with the whole class

Climbing on the bails and crawling through the tunnels

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Back to School in Second Grade

A look at some events from our first few weeks together in second grade

After collecting aspen, green ash, and maple leaves, the children pressed them between sheets of paper for the evening.  The next day we placed the leaves under white paper and colored over with crayon to create leaf impression art.

Coloring over leaves to get their impressions.

One afternoon the children were excited to see the delivery of Painted Lady caterpillars to our classroom.  Mrs. Deile ordered them from a science supply company just on time to learn about life cycles and habitats in science class.  The ten caterpillars ate and ate until they formed cocoons.  The they were carefully transferred to a butterfly habitat.

On Friday, the caterpillars had been in their coocoons for 7 days.  The kids kept an eye on the butterfly habitat all day anxiously checking for some action.  The first two butterflies hatched out about 15 minutes after the kids left for the weekend.

As of Sunday, nine Painted Lady butterflies have hatched out of the 10 cocoons.  Their habitat is filled with orange slices and sugar water, flowers, and some twigs for perching.
Isaac caught a leopard frog on the playground.

We had a cute and exciting visitor on Friday for show and tell.  Javin's very new baby sister  (and, of course, his mom) came for a visit.  Here is the proud new big brother with baby Bella.
Damon and Grace team up for soccer.
Show us your muscles!
More muscles!!!
Brayden, Carson, and Aidan are exhausted after all that muscle-work.
Clay relaxing on the playground
Catching grasshoppers kept second graders busy when school started
Aria, Kya, Kelsey, and Kiera pose on a hot summer afternoon recess

Mrs. Deile's Super Cool new Second Grade Class!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Supplies Needed for a Super Second Grade Year

  • Large eraser
  • Pencils (no mechanical pencils please)
  • Ink pen (any color)
  • 16 count crayons
  • Scissors
  • Stick glue and bottle glue
  • Large box of tissues ( We will store these and take out one box at a time)
  • 1 box quart-size zip-lock bags
  • Deck of playing cards (We will mark them and use them for math skills practice)
  • Elementary students need one pair of outdoor shoes and one good pair of gym (indoor) shoes
  • Markers and colored pencils are acceptable but not required
  • Please do not send 3-ring binders, we do not have room for them in our desks
  • Please send a box of graham crackers (any flavor).  We will store them and use them for morning milk break.  We will ask for refills throughout the year.
  • Remember to save Box Tops for Education and Campbell's Soup labels throughout the year.

    Keep in mind:  When thinking about treats for birthdays and such, no nut products are allowed in our school.  Always read labels very carefully and always bring the label along with the treat.  No home-baked treats are allowed.
    Have a wonderful summer and we will see you on August 21st.
    Mrs. Deile



Saturday, May 18, 2013

Goodbye and Have a Great Summer!

Goodbye Super Second Graders!

On Friday I had to say goodbye to another great group of kids.  We have spent 175 days together learning and growing, bickering and sharing, laughing and crying.  In other words, we've become a family.  Just as I wanted to happen, they have outgrown me and must move on.  Thanks to these kids for another great school year! 

Following are some of the highlights from the past month.  Enjoy!


I've never seen a purple cow

I hope to never see one,

But I can tell you anyhow

I'd rather see than be one.

These children know a funny story about this poem and when Mrs. Deile was a naughty second grader!

Pirate ship
All aboard!
Ready to slide down Jack and Jill's hill
Kenady and Yulisa find their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
Fun in the castle
Ready to enter The Wizard of Oz Land

Rita creates her own rainbow
Camryn practices her cursive handwriting
Yulisa's shaving cream tower
Shaving cream hands!!!
Kaitlin and Jackson
Cool designs with Dustin and Rykan
Charlie tries his luck at bowling

Sloppy joes, hotdogs, chips, ice cream ....YUM!

Digging for dinosaurs at the Elementary Carnival

Mrs. Erbele's piano students at their spring recital. 
Charlie, Luke, and Rita were her students in our class.